Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Functional Endoscropic Sinus Surgery, the standard surgical treament for chronic sinusitis, is based on the concept that the optimal way to re-establish normal, healthy paranasal sinuses is to open their natural passages into the nose.
Once sinus drainage is improved, the diseased sinus lining can regan its normal function of cleaning the sinus cavity, and further infections tend to subside.
Computer Image-Guided Sinus Surgery
Computer Image-Guided Sinus Surgery represents a technological advance in the performance of sinus surgery using surgical navigation systems.
These devices track movement of a surgical instrument, depicting the tip of the instrument on a near three-dimentional video display of the patient's preoperative sinus CT scan.
Such information can then be used by the surgeon to confirm the exact anatomic location of the surgical instrument within the sinus cavities, particularly, its proximity to the adjacent skull base and orbit.
Balloon Sinus Dilation
Balloon Sinus Dilation (Balloon Sinuplasty) represents the newest technology in the management of sinusitis. This procedure is indicated in selected patients with sinusitis who have failed traditional medical therapy.
This truly, minimally invasive, in-office procedure, is relatively quick to perform and is associated with little post-operative discomfort. Many patients often return to work in as little as two days.
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Animation video by Acclarent, Inc. reviewing Balloon Sinus Dilation of the
frontal sinus.
Animation video reviewing Balloon Sinus Dilation of the maxillary sinus.
Video discussing Balloon Sinus Dilation from the patient's perspective.
ClariFix is a new approach to treating Chronic Rhinitis. By applying cooling technology to the nerves that control mucous production in the nose, many symptoms of Chronic Rhinitis, particularly nasal congestion and post-nasal drip improve.
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Video discussing how ClariFix works.